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 * @copyright (c) 2016, Philipp Thürwächter & Pattrick Hüper
 * @copyright (c) 2007-present, Stephen Colebourne & Michael Nascimento Santos
 * @license BSD-3-Clause (see LICENSE in the root directory of this source tree)
import { requireNonNull, requireInstance } from './assert';
import { ArithmeticException, DateTimeParseException, UnsupportedTemporalTypeException } from './errors';
import { MathUtil, MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, MIN_SAFE_INTEGER } from './MathUtil';

import { ChronoField } from './temporal/ChronoField';
import { ChronoUnit } from './temporal/ChronoUnit';
import { TemporalAmount } from './temporal/TemporalAmount';
import { TemporalUnit } from './temporal/TemporalUnit';

import { LocalTime } from './LocalTime';

 * A time-based amount of time, such as '34.5 seconds'.
 * This class models a quantity or amount of time in terms of seconds and nanoseconds.
 * It can be accessed using other duration-based units, such as minutes and hours.
 * In addition, the {@link ChronoUnit#DAYS} unit can be used and is treated as
 * exactly equal to 24 hours, thus ignoring daylight savings effects.
 * See {@link Period} for the date-based equivalent to this class.
 * A physical duration could be of infinite length.
 * For practicality, the duration is stored with constraints similar to {@link Instant}.
 * The duration uses nanosecond resolution with a maximum value of the seconds that can
 * be held in a `long`. This is greater than the current estimated age of the universe.
 * The range of a duration requires the storage of a number larger than a `long`.
 * To achieve this, the class stores a `long` representing seconds and an `int`
 * representing nanosecond-of-second, which will always be between 0 and 999,999,999.
 * The duration is measured in "seconds", but these are not necessarily identical to
 * the scientific "SI second" definition based on atomic clocks.
 * This difference only impacts durations measured near a leap-second and should not affect
 * most applications.
 * See {@link Instant} for a discussion as to the meaning of the second and time-scales.
 * ### Static properties of Class {@link Duration}
 * Duration.ZERO
 * Constant for a duration of zero.
export class Duration extends TemporalAmount /*implements TemporalAmount, Comparable<Duration>, Serializable */ {

     * Constructs an instance of {@link Duration} using seconds and nanoseconds.
     * @param {Number} seconds - the length of the duration in seconds, positive or negative
     * @param {Number} nanos - the nanoseconds within the second, from 0 to 999,999,999
     * @private
    constructor(seconds, nanos) {
        this._seconds = MathUtil.safeToInt(seconds);
        this._nanos = MathUtil.safeToInt(nanos);

     * Obtains an instance of {@link Duration} from a number of standard 24 hour days.
     * The seconds are calculated based on the standard definition of a day,
     * where each day is 86400 seconds which implies a 24 hour day.
     * The nanosecond in second field is set to zero.
     * @param {Number} days - the number of days, positive or negative
     * @return {!Duration}
     * @throws ArithmeticException if the input days exceeds the capacity of {@link Duration}
    static ofDays(days) {
        return Duration._create(MathUtil.safeMultiply(days, LocalTime.SECONDS_PER_DAY), 0);

     * Obtains an instance of {@link Duration} from a number of standard hours.
     * The seconds are calculated based on the standard definition of an hour,
     * where each hour is 3600 seconds.
     * The nanosecond in second field is set to zero.
     * @param {Number} hours - the number of hours, positive or negative
     * @return {!Duration}
     * @throws ArithmeticException if the input hours exceeds the capacity of {@link Duration}
    static ofHours(hours) {
        return Duration._create(MathUtil.safeMultiply(hours, LocalTime.SECONDS_PER_HOUR), 0);

     * Obtains an instance of {@link Duration} from a number of standard minutes.
     * The seconds are calculated based on the standard definition of a minute,
     * where each minute is 60 seconds.
     * The nanosecond in second field is set to zero.
     * @param {Number} minutes - the number of minutes, positive or negative
     * @return {!Duration}
     * @throws ArithmeticException if the input minutes exceeds the capacity of {@link Duration}
    static ofMinutes(minutes) {
        return Duration._create(MathUtil.safeMultiply(minutes, LocalTime.SECONDS_PER_MINUTE), 0);

     * Obtains an instance of {@link Duration} from a number of seconds
     * and an adjustment in nanoseconds.
     * This method allows an arbitrary number of nanoseconds to be passed in.
     * The factory will alter the values of the second and nanosecond in order
     * to ensure that the stored nanosecond is in the range 0 to 999,999,999.
     * For example, the following will result in the exactly the same duration:
     * <pre>
     *  Duration.ofSeconds(3, 1);
     *  Duration.ofSeconds(4, -999_999_999);
     *  Duration.ofSeconds(2, 1000_000_001);
     * </pre>
     * @param {Number} seconds - the number of seconds, positive or negative
     * @param {Number} nanoAdjustment  the nanosecond adjustment to the number of seconds, positive or negative
     * @return {!Duration}
     * @throws ArithmeticException if the adjustment causes the seconds to exceed the capacity of {@link Duration}
    static ofSeconds(seconds, nanoAdjustment = 0) {
        const secs = MathUtil.safeAdd(seconds, MathUtil.floorDiv(nanoAdjustment, LocalTime.NANOS_PER_SECOND));
        const nos = MathUtil.floorMod(nanoAdjustment, LocalTime.NANOS_PER_SECOND);
        return Duration._create(secs, nos);

     * Obtains an instance of {@link Duration} from a number of milliseconds.
     * The seconds and nanoseconds are extracted from the specified milliseconds.
     * @param {Number} millis - the number of milliseconds, positive or negative
     * @return {!Duration}
    static ofMillis(millis) {
        let secs = MathUtil.intDiv(millis, 1000);
        let mos = MathUtil.intMod(millis, 1000);
        if (mos < 0) {
            mos += 1000;
        return Duration._create(secs, mos * 1000000);

     * Obtains an instance of {@link Duration} from a number of nanoseconds.
     * The seconds and nanoseconds are extracted from the specified nanoseconds.
     * @param {Number} nanos - the number of nanoseconds, positive or negative
     * @return {!Duration}
    static ofNanos(nanos) {
        let secs = MathUtil.intDiv(nanos, LocalTime.NANOS_PER_SECOND);
        let nos = MathUtil.intMod(nanos, LocalTime.NANOS_PER_SECOND);
        if (nos < 0) {
            nos += LocalTime.NANOS_PER_SECOND;
        return this._create(secs, nos);

     * Obtains an instance of {@link Duration} from a duration in the specified unit.
     * The parameters represent the two parts of a phrase like '6 Hours'. For example:
     * <pre>
     *  Duration.of(3, SECONDS);
     *  Duration.of(465, HOURS);
     * </pre>
     * Only a subset of units are accepted by this method.
     * The unit must either have an exact duration (see {@link TemporalUnit#isDurationEstimated}) or
     * be {@link ChronoUnit#DAYS} which is treated as 24 hours. Other units throw an exception.
     * @param {Number} amount - the amount of the duration, measured in terms of the unit, positive or negative
     * @param {TemporalUnit} unit - the unit that the duration is measured in, must have an exact duration, not null
     * @return {!Duration}
     * @throws DateTimeException if the period unit has an estimated duration
     * @throws ArithmeticException if a numeric overflow occurs
    static of(amount, unit) {
        return Duration.ZERO.plus(amount, unit);

     * Obtains an instance of {@link Duration} from an amount.
     * This obtains a duration based on the specified amount.
     * A TemporalAmount represents an amount of time, which may be date-based
     * or time-based, which this factory extracts to a duration.
     * The conversion loops around the set of units from the amount and uses
     * the duration of the unit to calculate the total Duration.
     * Only a subset of units are accepted by this method.
     * The unit must either have an exact duration or be ChronoUnit.DAYS which
     * is treated as 24 hours. If any other units are found then an exception is thrown.
     * @param {TemporalAmount} amount - the temporal amount to convert, not null
     * @return {Duration} the resulting duration, not null
     * @throws DateTimeException if the amount cannot be converted
     * @throws ArithmeticException if a numeric overflow occurs
    static from(amount) {
        requireNonNull(amount, 'amount');
        requireInstance(amount, TemporalAmount);
        let duration = Duration.ZERO;
        amount.units().forEach((unit) => {
            duration = duration.plus(amount.get(unit), unit);
        return duration;

     * Obtains an instance of {@link Duration} representing the duration between two instants.
     * Obtains a {@link Duration} representing the duration between two instants.
     * This calculates the duration between two temporal objects of the same type.
     * The difference in seconds is calculated using {@link Temporal#until}.
     * The difference in nanoseconds is calculated using by querying the
     * {@link ChronoField#NANO_OF_SECOND} field.
     * The result of this method can be a negative period if the end is before the start.
     * To guarantee to obtain a positive duration call abs() on the result.
     * @param {Temporal} startInclusive - the start instant, inclusive, not null
     * @param {Temporal} endExclusive - the end instant, exclusive, not null
     * @return {!Duration}
     * @throws DateTimeException if the seconds between the temporals cannot be obtained
     * @throws ArithmeticException if the calculation exceeds the capacity of {@link Duration}
    static between(startInclusive, endExclusive) {
        requireNonNull(startInclusive, 'startInclusive');
        requireNonNull(endExclusive, 'endExclusive');
        let secs = startInclusive.until(endExclusive, ChronoUnit.SECONDS);
        let nanos = 0;
        if (startInclusive.isSupported(ChronoField.NANO_OF_SECOND) && endExclusive.isSupported(ChronoField.NANO_OF_SECOND)) {
            try {
                const startNos = startInclusive.getLong(ChronoField.NANO_OF_SECOND);
                nanos = endExclusive.getLong(ChronoField.NANO_OF_SECOND) - startNos;
                if (secs > 0 && nanos < 0) {
                    nanos += LocalTime.NANOS_PER_SECOND;
                } else if (secs < 0 && nanos > 0) {
                    nanos -= LocalTime.NANOS_PER_SECOND;
                } else if (secs === 0 && nanos !== 0) {
                    // two possible meanings for result, so recalculate secs
                    const adjustedEnd = endExclusive.with(ChronoField.NANO_OF_SECOND, startNos);
                    secs = startInclusive.until(adjustedEnd, ChronoUnit.SECONDS);
            } catch (e) {
                // ignore and only use seconds
        return this.ofSeconds(secs, nanos);

     * Obtains a {@link Duration} from a text string such as {@link PnDTnHnMn.nS}.
     * This will parse a textual representation of a duration, including the
     * string produced by {@link toString}. The formats accepted are based
     * on the ISO-8601 duration format {@link PnDTnHnMn.nS} with days
     * considered to be exactly 24 hours.
     * The string starts with an optional sign, denoted by the ASCII negative
     * or positive symbol. If negative, the whole period is negated.
     * The ASCII letter "P" is next in upper or lower case.
     * There are then four sections, each consisting of a number and a suffix.
     * The sections have suffixes in ASCII of "D", "H", "M" and "S" for
     * days, hours, minutes and seconds, accepted in upper or lower case.
     * The suffixes must occur in order. The ASCII letter "T" must occur before
     * the first occurrence, if any, of an hour, minute or second section.
     * At least one of the four sections must be present, and if "T" is present
     * there must be at least one section after the "T".
     * The number part of each section must consist of one or more ASCII digits.
     * The number may be prefixed by the ASCII negative or positive symbol.
     * The number of days, hours and minutes must parse to a `long`.
     * The number of seconds must parse to a `long` with optional fraction.
     * The decimal point may be either a dot or a comma.
     * The fractional part may have from zero to 9 digits.
     * The leading plus/minus sign, and negative values for other units are
     * not part of the ISO-8601 standard.
     * Examples:
     * <pre>
     *    "PT20.345S" -> parses as "20.345 seconds"
     *    "PT15M"     -> parses as "15 minutes" (where a minute is 60 seconds)
     *    "PT10H"     -> parses as "10 hours" (where an hour is 3600 seconds)
     *    "P2D"       -> parses as "2 days" (where a day is 24 hours or 86400 seconds)
     *    "P2DT3H4M"  -> parses as "2 days, 3 hours and 4 minutes"
     *    "P-6H3M"    -> parses as "-6 hours and +3 minutes"
     *    "-P6H3M"    -> parses as "-6 hours and -3 minutes"
     *    "-P-6H+3M"  -> parses as "+6 hours and -3 minutes"
     * </pre>
     * @param {String} text - the text to parse, not null
     * @return {Duration} the parsed duration, not null
     * @throws DateTimeParseException if the text cannot be parsed to a duration
    static parse(text) {
        requireNonNull(text, 'text');
         * The pattern for parsing.
        const PATTERN = new RegExp('([-+]?)P(?:([-+]?[0-9]+)D)?(T(?:([-+]?[0-9]+)H)?(?:([-+]?[0-9]+)M)?(?:([-+]?[0-9]+)(?:[.,]([0-9]{0,9}))?S)?)?', 'i');
        const matches = PATTERN.exec(text);
        if (matches !== null) {
            // check for letter T but no time sections
            if ('T' === matches[3] === false) {
                const negate = '-' === matches[1];
                const dayMatch = matches[2];
                const hourMatch = matches[4];
                const minuteMatch = matches[5];
                const secondMatch = matches[6];
                const fractionMatch = matches[7];
                if (dayMatch != null || hourMatch != null || minuteMatch != null || secondMatch != null) {
                    const daysAsSecs = Duration._parseNumber(text, dayMatch, LocalTime.SECONDS_PER_DAY, 'days');
                    const hoursAsSecs = Duration._parseNumber(text, hourMatch, LocalTime.SECONDS_PER_HOUR, 'hours');
                    const minsAsSecs = Duration._parseNumber(text, minuteMatch, LocalTime.SECONDS_PER_MINUTE, 'minutes');
                    const seconds = Duration._parseNumber(text, secondMatch, 1, 'seconds');
                    const negativeSecs = secondMatch != null && secondMatch.charAt(0) === '-';
                    const nanos = Duration._parseFraction(text,  fractionMatch, negativeSecs ? -1 : 1);
                    try {
                        return Duration._create(negate, daysAsSecs, hoursAsSecs, minsAsSecs, seconds, nanos);
                    } catch (ex) {
                        throw new DateTimeParseException('Text cannot be parsed to a Duration: overflow', text, 0, ex);
        throw new DateTimeParseException('Text cannot be parsed to a Duration', text, 0);

    static _parseNumber(text, parsed, multiplier, errorText) {
        // regex limits to [-+]?[0-9]+
        if (parsed == null) {
            return 0;
        try {
            if (parsed[0] === '+') {
                parsed = parsed.substring(1);
            return MathUtil.safeMultiply(parseFloat(parsed), multiplier);
        } catch (ex) {
            throw new DateTimeParseException(`Text cannot be parsed to a Duration: ${errorText}`, text, 0, ex);

    static _parseFraction(text, parsed, negate) {
        // regex limits to [0-9]{0,9}
        if (parsed == null || parsed.length === 0) {
            return 0;
        parsed = (`${parsed}000000000`).substring(0, 9);
        return parseFloat(parsed) * negate;

     * to handle function overriding this function accepts any number of arguments, checks their type and delegates to the appropriate
     * function
     * @return {Duration}
    static _create() {
        if (arguments.length <= 2) {
            return Duration._createSecondsNanos(arguments[0], arguments[1]);
        } else {
            return Duration._createNegateDaysHoursMinutesSecondsNanos(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5]);

    static _createNegateDaysHoursMinutesSecondsNanos(negate, daysAsSecs, hoursAsSecs, minsAsSecs, secs, nanos) {
        const seconds = MathUtil.safeAdd(daysAsSecs, MathUtil.safeAdd(hoursAsSecs, MathUtil.safeAdd(minsAsSecs, secs)));
        if (negate) {
            return Duration.ofSeconds(seconds, nanos).negated();
        return Duration.ofSeconds(seconds, nanos);

     * Obtains an instance of {@link Duration} using seconds and nanoseconds.
     * @param {Number} seconds - the length of the duration in seconds, positive or negative
     * @param {Number} nanoAdjustment - the nanosecond adjustment within the second, from 0 to 999,999,999
    static _createSecondsNanos(seconds = 0, nanoAdjustment = 0) {
        if (seconds === 0 && nanoAdjustment === 0) {
            return Duration.ZERO;
        return new Duration(seconds, nanoAdjustment);

     * Gets the value of the requested unit.
     * This returns a value for each of the two supported units,
     * {@link ChronoUnit#SECONDS} and {@link ChronoUnit#NANOS}.
     * All other units throw an exception.
     * @param {TemporalUnit} unit the {@link TemporalUnit} for which to return the value
     * @return {number} the const value of the unit
     * @throws DateTimeException if the unit is not supported
     * @throws UnsupportedTemporalTypeException if the unit is not supported
    get(unit) {
        if (unit === ChronoUnit.SECONDS) {
            return this._seconds;
        } else if (unit === ChronoUnit.NANOS) {
            return this._nanos;
        } else {
            throw new UnsupportedTemporalTypeException(`Unsupported unit: ${unit}`);

    units() {
        return [ChronoUnit.SECONDS, ChronoUnit.NANOS];

     * Checks if this duration is zero length.
     * A {@link Duration} represents a directed distance between two points on
     * the time-line and can therefore be positive, zero or negative.
     * This method checks whether the length is zero.
     * @return {boolean} true if this duration has a total length equal to zero
    isZero() {
        return this._seconds === 0 && this._nanos === 0;

     * Checks if this duration is negative, excluding zero.
     * A {@link Duration} represents a directed distance between two points on
     * the time-line and can therefore be positive, zero or negative.
     * This method checks whether the length is less than zero.
     * @return {boolean} true if this duration has a total length less than zero
    isNegative() {
        return this._seconds < 0;

     * Gets the number of seconds in this duration.
     * The length of the duration is stored using two fields - seconds and nanoseconds.
     * The nanoseconds part is a value from 0 to 999,999,999 that is an adjustment to
     * the length in seconds.
     * The total duration is defined by calling this method and {@link getNano}.
     * A {@link Duration} represents a directed distance between two points on the time-line.
     * A negative duration is expressed by the negative sign of the seconds part.
     * A duration of -1 nanosecond is stored as -1 seconds plus 999,999,999 nanoseconds.
     * @return {number} the whole seconds part of the length of the duration, positive or negative
    seconds() {
        return this._seconds;

     * Gets the number of nanoseconds within the second in this duration.
     * The length of the duration is stored using two fields - seconds and nanoseconds.
     * The nanoseconds part is a value from 0 to 999,999,999 that is an adjustment to
     * the length in seconds.
     * The total duration is defined by calling this method and {@link getSeconds}.
     * A {@link Duration} represents a directed distance between two points on the time-line.
     * A negative duration is expressed by the negative sign of the seconds part.
     * A duration of -1 nanosecond is stored as -1 seconds plus 999,999,999 nanoseconds.
     * @return {number} the nanoseconds within the second part of the length of the duration, from 0 to 999,999,999
    nano() {
        return this._nanos;

     * Returns a copy of this duration with the specified amount of seconds.
     * This returns a duration with the specified seconds, retaining the
     * nano-of-second part of this duration.
     * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
     * @param {Number} seconds - the seconds to represent, may be negative
     * @return {Duration} based on this period with the requested seconds, not null
    withSeconds(seconds) {
        return Duration._create(seconds, this._nanos);

     * Returns a copy of this duration with the specified nano-of-second.
     * This returns a duration with the specified nano-of-second, retaining the
     * seconds part of this duration.
     * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
     * @param {Number} nanoOfSecond - the nano-of-second to represent, from 0 to 999,999,999
     * @return {Duration} based on this period with the requested nano-of-second, not null
     * @throws DateTimeException if the nano-of-second is invalid
    withNanos(nanoOfSecond) {
        return Duration._create(this._seconds, nanoOfSecond);

     * Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration added.
     * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
     * @param {Duration} duration - the duration to add, positive or negative, not null
     * @return {Duration} based on this duration with the specified duration added, not null
     * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
    plusDuration(duration) {
        requireNonNull(duration, 'duration');
        return this.plus(duration.seconds(), duration.nano());

     * function overloading for {@link Duration.plus}
     * if called with 1 arguments, then {@link Duration.plusDuration} is executed.
     * if called with 2 arguments and second argument is an instance of TemporalUnit, then {@link Duration.plusAmountUnit} is executed.
     * Otherwise {@link Duration.plusSecondsNanos} is executed.
     * @param {!(Duration|number)} durationOrNumber
     * @param {!TemporalUnit|number} unitOrNumber
     * @returns {Duration}
    plus(durationOrNumber, unitOrNumber) {
        if (arguments.length === 1) {
            return this.plusDuration(durationOrNumber);
        else if (arguments.length === 2 && unitOrNumber instanceof TemporalUnit) {
            return this.plusAmountUnit(durationOrNumber, unitOrNumber);
        } else {
            return this.plusSecondsNanos(durationOrNumber, unitOrNumber);

     * Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration added.
     * The duration amount is measured in terms of the specified unit.
     * Only a subset of units are accepted by this method.
     * The unit must either have an exact duration (see {@link TemporalUnit#isDurationEstimated}) or
     * be {@link ChronoUnit#DAYS} which is treated as 24 hours. Other units throw an exception.
     * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
     * @param {Number} amountToAdd - the amount to add, measured in terms of the unit, positive or negative
     * @param {TemporalUnit} unit - the unit that the amount is measured in, must have an exact duration, not null
     * @return {Duration} based on this duration with the specified duration added, not null
     * @throws UnsupportedTemporalTypeException if the unit is not supported
     * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
    plusAmountUnit(amountToAdd, unit) {
        requireNonNull(amountToAdd, 'amountToAdd');
        requireNonNull(unit, 'unit');
        if (unit === ChronoUnit.DAYS) {
            return this.plusSecondsNanos(MathUtil.safeMultiply(amountToAdd, LocalTime.SECONDS_PER_DAY), 0);
        if (unit.isDurationEstimated()) {
            throw new UnsupportedTemporalTypeException('Unit must not have an estimated duration');
        if (amountToAdd === 0) {
            return this;
        if (unit instanceof ChronoUnit) {
            switch (unit) {
                case ChronoUnit.NANOS: return this.plusNanos(amountToAdd);
                case ChronoUnit.MICROS: return this.plusSecondsNanos(MathUtil.intDiv(amountToAdd, (1000000 * 1000)) * 1000, MathUtil.intMod(amountToAdd, (1000000 * 1000)) * 1000);
                case ChronoUnit.MILLIS: return this.plusMillis(amountToAdd);
                case ChronoUnit.SECONDS: return this.plusSeconds(amountToAdd);
            return this.plusSecondsNanos(MathUtil.safeMultiply(unit.duration().seconds(), amountToAdd), 0);
        const duration = unit.duration().multipliedBy(amountToAdd);
        return this.plusSecondsNanos(duration.seconds(), duration.nano());

     * Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration in 24 hour days added.
     * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
     * @param {Number} daysToAdd - the days to add, positive or negative
     * @return {Duration} based on this duration with the specified days added, not null
     * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
    plusDays(daysToAdd) {
        return this.plusSecondsNanos(MathUtil.safeMultiply(daysToAdd, LocalTime.SECONDS_PER_DAY), 0);

     * Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration in hours added.
     * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
     * @param {Number} hoursToAdd - the hours to add, positive or negative
     * @return {Duration} based on this duration with the specified hours added, not null
     * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
    plusHours(hoursToAdd) {
        return this.plusSecondsNanos(MathUtil.safeMultiply(hoursToAdd, LocalTime.SECONDS_PER_HOUR), 0);

     * Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration in minutes added.
     * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
     * @param {Number} minutesToAdd - the minutes to add, positive or negative
     * @return {Duration} based on this duration with the specified minutes added, not null
     * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
    plusMinutes(minutesToAdd) {
        return this.plusSecondsNanos(MathUtil.safeMultiply(minutesToAdd, LocalTime.SECONDS_PER_MINUTE), 0);

     * Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration in seconds added.
     * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
     * @param {Number} secondsToAdd - the seconds to add, positive or negative
     * @return {Duration} based on this duration with the specified seconds added, not null
     * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
    plusSeconds(secondsToAdd) {
        return this.plusSecondsNanos(secondsToAdd, 0);

     * Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration in milliseconds added.
     * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
     * @param {Number} millisToAdd - the milliseconds to add, positive or negative
     * @return {Duration} based on this duration with the specified milliseconds added, not null
     * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
    plusMillis(millisToAdd) {
        return this.plusSecondsNanos(MathUtil.intDiv(millisToAdd, 1000), MathUtil.intMod(millisToAdd, 1000) * 1000000);

     * Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration in nanoseconds added.
     * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
     * @param {Number} nanosToAdd - the nanoseconds to add, positive or negative
     * @return {Duration} based on this duration with the specified nanoseconds added, not null
     * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
    plusNanos(nanosToAdd) {
        return this.plusSecondsNanos(0, nanosToAdd);

     * Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration added.
     * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
     * @param {Number} secondsToAdd - the seconds to add, positive or negative
     * @param {Number} nanosToAdd - the nanos to add, positive or negative
     * @return {Duration} based on this duration with the specified seconds added, not null
     * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
    plusSecondsNanos(secondsToAdd, nanosToAdd) {
        requireNonNull(secondsToAdd, 'secondsToAdd');
        requireNonNull(nanosToAdd, 'nanosToAdd');
        if (secondsToAdd === 0 && nanosToAdd === 0) {
            return this;
        let epochSec = MathUtil.safeAdd(this._seconds, secondsToAdd);
        epochSec = MathUtil.safeAdd(epochSec, MathUtil.intDiv(nanosToAdd, LocalTime.NANOS_PER_SECOND));
        nanosToAdd = MathUtil.intMod(nanosToAdd, LocalTime.NANOS_PER_SECOND);
        const nanoAdjustment = MathUtil.safeAdd(this._nanos, nanosToAdd);  // safe int+LocalTime.NANOS_PER_SECOND
        return Duration.ofSeconds(epochSec, nanoAdjustment);

     * function overloading for {@link Duration.minus}
     * if called with 1 arguments and first argument is an instance of Duration, then {@link Duration.minusDuration} is executed.
     * Otherwise {@link Duration.minusAmountUnit} is executed.
     * @param {!(Duration|number)} durationOrNumber
     * @param {?TemporalUnit} unit
     * @return {Duration}
    minus(durationOrNumber, unit) {
        if (arguments.length === 1) {
            return this.minusDuration(durationOrNumber);
        } else {
            return this.minusAmountUnit(durationOrNumber, unit);

     * Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration subtracted.
     * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
     * @param {Duration} duration - the duration to subtract, positive or negative, not null
     * @return {Duration} based on this duration with the specified duration subtracted, not null
     * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
    minusDuration(duration) {
        requireNonNull(duration, 'duration');
        const secsToSubtract = duration.seconds();
        const nanosToSubtract = duration.nano();
        if (secsToSubtract === MIN_SAFE_INTEGER) {
            return this.plus(MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, -nanosToSubtract);
        return this.plus(-secsToSubtract, -nanosToSubtract);

     * Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration subtracted.
     * The duration amount is measured in terms of the specified unit.
     * Only a subset of units are accepted by this method.
     * The unit must either have an exact duration (see {@link TemporalUnit#isDurationEstimated}) or
     * be {@link ChronoUnit#DAYS} which is treated as 24 hours. Other units throw an exception.
     * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
     * @param {Number} amountToSubtract - the amount to subtract, measured in terms of the unit, positive or negative
     * @param {TemporalUnit} unit - the unit that the amount is measured in, must have an exact duration, not null
     * @return {Duration} based on this duration with the specified duration subtracted, not null
     * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
    minusAmountUnit(amountToSubtract, unit) {
        requireNonNull(amountToSubtract, 'amountToSubtract');
        requireNonNull(unit, 'unit');
        return (amountToSubtract === MIN_SAFE_INTEGER ? this.plusAmountUnit(MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, unit) : this.plusAmountUnit(-amountToSubtract, unit));

     * Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration in 24 hour days subtracted.
     * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
     * @param {Number} daysToSubtract - the days to subtract, positive or negative
     * @return {Duration} based on this duration with the specified days subtracted, not null
     * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
    minusDays(daysToSubtract) {
        return (daysToSubtract === MIN_SAFE_INTEGER ? this.plusDays(MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) : this.plusDays(-daysToSubtract));

     * Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration in hours subtracted.
     * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
     * @param {Number} hoursToSubtract - the hours to subtract, positive or negative
     * @return {Duration} based on this duration with the specified hours subtracted, not null
     * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
    minusHours(hoursToSubtract) {
        return (hoursToSubtract === MIN_SAFE_INTEGER ? this.plusHours(MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) : this.plusHours(-hoursToSubtract));

     * Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration in minutes subtracted.
     * The number of hours is multiplied by 60 to obtain the number of seconds to subtract.
     * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
     * @param {Number} minutesToSubtract - the minutes to subtract, positive or negative
     * @return {Duration} based on this duration with the specified minutes subtracted, not null
     * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
    minusMinutes(minutesToSubtract) {
        return (minutesToSubtract === MIN_SAFE_INTEGER ? this.plusMinutes(MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) : this.plusMinutes(-minutesToSubtract));

     * Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration in seconds subtracted.
     * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
     * @param {Number} secondsToSubtract - the seconds to subtract, positive or negative
     * @return {Duration} based on this duration with the specified seconds subtracted, not null
     * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
    minusSeconds(secondsToSubtract) {
        return (secondsToSubtract === MIN_SAFE_INTEGER ? this.plusSeconds(MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) : this.plusSeconds(-secondsToSubtract));

     * Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration in milliseconds subtracted.
     * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
     * @param {Number} millisToSubtract - the milliseconds to subtract, positive or negative
     * @return {Duration} based on this duration with the specified milliseconds subtracted, not null
     * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
    minusMillis(millisToSubtract) {
        return (millisToSubtract === MIN_SAFE_INTEGER ? this.plusMillis(MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) : this.plusMillis(-millisToSubtract));

     * Returns a copy of this duration with the specified duration in nanoseconds subtracted.
     * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
     * @param {Number} nanosToSubtract - the nanoseconds to subtract, positive or negative
     * @return {Duration} based on this duration with the specified nanoseconds subtracted, not null
     * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
    minusNanos(nanosToSubtract) {
        return (nanosToSubtract === MIN_SAFE_INTEGER ? this.plusNanos(MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) : this.plusNanos(-nanosToSubtract));

     * Returns a copy of this duration multiplied by the scalar.
     * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
     * @param {Number} multiplicand - the value to multiply the duration by, positive or negative
     * @return {Duration} based on this duration multiplied by the specified scalar, not null
     * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
    multipliedBy(multiplicand) {
        if (multiplicand === 0) {
            return Duration.ZERO;
        if (multiplicand === 1) {
            return this;
        let secs = MathUtil.safeMultiply(this._seconds, multiplicand);
        let nos = MathUtil.safeMultiply(this._nanos, multiplicand);
        secs = secs + MathUtil.intDiv(nos, LocalTime.NANOS_PER_SECOND);
        nos = MathUtil.intMod(nos, LocalTime.NANOS_PER_SECOND);
        return Duration.ofSeconds(secs, nos);

     * Returns a copy of this duration divided by the specified value.
     * In opposite to the threeten implementation the division is realized by floating point not by
     * fixed point arithmetic. Expect floating point rounding errors for {@link Duration.dividedBy}.
     * @param {Number} divisor - the value to divide the duration by, positive or negative, not zero
     * @return {Duration} based on this duration divided by the specified divisor, not null
     * @throws ArithmeticException if the divisor is zero or if numeric overflow occurs
    dividedBy(divisor) {
        if (divisor === 0) {
            throw new ArithmeticException('Cannot divide by zero');
        if (divisor === 1) {
            return this;
        const secs = MathUtil.intDiv(this._seconds, divisor);
        const secsMod = MathUtil.roundDown(((this._seconds/ divisor) - secs) * LocalTime.NANOS_PER_SECOND);
        let nos = MathUtil.intDiv(this._nanos, divisor);
        nos = secsMod + nos;
        return Duration.ofSeconds(secs, nos);

     * Returns a copy of this duration with the length negated.
     * This method swaps the sign of the total length of this duration.
     * For example, {@link PT1.3S} will be returned as {@link PT-1.3S}.
     * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
     * @return {Duration} based on this duration with the amount negated, not null
     * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
    negated() {
        return this.multipliedBy(-1);

     * Returns a copy of this duration with a positive length.
     * This method returns a positive duration by effectively removing the sign from any negative total length.
     * For example, {@link PT-1.3S} will be returned as {@link PT1.3S}.
     * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
     * @return {Duration} based on this duration with an absolute length, not null
     * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
    abs() {
        return this.isNegative() ? this.negated() : this;

     * Adds this duration to the specified temporal object.
     * This returns a temporal object of the same observable type as the input
     * with this duration added.
     * In most cases, it is clearer to reverse the calling pattern by using
     * {@link Temporal#plus}.
     * <pre>
     *   // these two lines are equivalent, but the second approach is recommended
     *   dateTime = thisDuration.addTo(dateTime);
     *   dateTime = dateTime.plus(thisDuration);
     * </pre>
     * The calculation will add the seconds, then nanos.
     * Only non-zero amounts will be added.
     * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
     * @param {Temporal} temporal - the temporal object to adjust, not null
     * @return {Temporal} an object of the same type with the adjustment made, not null
     * @throws DateTimeException if unable to add
     * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
    addTo(temporal) {
        requireNonNull(temporal, 'temporal');
        if (this._seconds !== 0) {
            temporal = temporal.plus(this._seconds, ChronoUnit.SECONDS);
        if (this._nanos !== 0) {
            temporal = temporal.plus(this._nanos, ChronoUnit.NANOS);
        return temporal;

     * Subtracts this duration from the specified temporal object.
     * This returns a temporal object of the same observable type as the input
     * with this duration subtracted.
     * In most cases, it is clearer to reverse the calling pattern by using
     * {@link Temporal#minus}.
     * <pre>
     *   // these two lines are equivalent, but the second approach is recommended
     *   dateTime = thisDuration.subtractFrom(dateTime);
     *   dateTime = dateTime.minus(thisDuration);
     * </pre>
     * The calculation will subtract the seconds, then nanos.
     * Only non-zero amounts will be added.
     * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
     * @param {Temporal} temporal - the temporal object to adjust, not null
     * @return {Temporal} an object of the same type with the adjustment made, not null
     * @throws DateTimeException if unable to subtract
     * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
    subtractFrom(temporal) {
        requireNonNull(temporal, 'temporal');
        if (this._seconds !== 0) {
            temporal = temporal.minus(this._seconds, ChronoUnit.SECONDS);
        if (this._nanos !== 0) {
            temporal = temporal.minus(this._nanos, ChronoUnit.NANOS);
        return temporal;

     * Gets the number of days in this duration.
     * This returns the total number of days in the duration by dividing the
     * number of seconds by 86400.
     * This is based on the standard definition of a day as 24 hours.
     * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
     * @return {number} the number of days in the duration, may be negative
    toDays() {
        return MathUtil.intDiv(this._seconds, LocalTime.SECONDS_PER_DAY);

     * Gets the number of hours in this duration.
     * This returns the total number of hours in the duration by dividing the
     * number of seconds by 3600.
     * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
     * @return {number} the number of hours in the duration, may be negative
    toHours() {
        return MathUtil.intDiv(this._seconds, LocalTime.SECONDS_PER_HOUR);

     * Gets the number of minutes in this duration.
     * This returns the total number of minutes in the duration by dividing the
     * number of seconds by 60.
     * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
     * @return {number} the number of minutes in the duration, may be negative
    toMinutes() {
        return MathUtil.intDiv(this._seconds, LocalTime.SECONDS_PER_MINUTE);

     * Converts this duration to the total length in milliseconds.
     * If this duration is too large to fit in a `long` milliseconds, then an
     * exception is thrown.
     * If this duration has greater than millisecond precision, then the conversion
     * will drop any excess precision information as though the amount in nanoseconds
     * was subject to integer division by one million.
     * @return {number} the total length of the duration in milliseconds
     * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
    toMillis() {
        let millis = Math.round(MathUtil.safeMultiply(this._seconds, 1000));
        millis = MathUtil.safeAdd(millis, MathUtil.intDiv(this._nanos, 1000000));
        return millis;

     * Converts this duration to the total length in nanoseconds expressed as a `long`.
     * If this duration is too large to fit in a `long` nanoseconds, then an
     * exception is thrown.
     * @return {number} the total length of the duration in nanoseconds
     * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
    toNanos() {
        let totalNanos = MathUtil.safeMultiply(this._seconds, LocalTime.NANOS_PER_SECOND);
        totalNanos = MathUtil.safeAdd(totalNanos, this._nanos);
        return totalNanos;

     * Compares this duration to the specified {@link Duration}.
     * The comparison is based on the total length of the durations.
     * @param {Duration} otherDuration - the other duration to compare to, not null
     * @return {number} the comparator value, negative if less, positive if greater
    compareTo(otherDuration) {
        requireNonNull(otherDuration, 'otherDuration');
        requireInstance(otherDuration, Duration, 'otherDuration');
        const cmp = MathUtil.compareNumbers(this._seconds, otherDuration.seconds());
        if (cmp !== 0) {
            return cmp;
        return this._nanos - otherDuration.nano();

     * Checks if this duration is equal to the specified {@link Duration}.
     * The comparison is based on the total length of the durations.
     * @param {*} otherDuration - the other duration, null returns false
     * @return {boolean} true if the other duration is equal to this one
    equals(otherDuration) {
        if (this === otherDuration) {
            return true;
        if (otherDuration instanceof Duration) {
            return this.seconds() === otherDuration.seconds() &&
                   this.nano() === otherDuration.nano();
        return false;

     * A string representation of this duration using ISO-8601 seconds
     * based representation, such as {@link PT8H6M12.345S}.
     * The format of the returned string will be {@link PTnHnMnS}, where n is
     * the relevant hours, minutes or seconds part of the duration.
     * Any fractional seconds are placed after a decimal point in the seconds section.
     * If a section has a zero value, it is omitted.
     * The hours, minutes and seconds will all have the same sign.
     * Examples:
     * <pre>
     *    "20.345 seconds"                 -> "PT20.345S
     *    "15 minutes" (15 * 60 seconds)   -> "PT15M"
     *    "10 hours" (10 * 3600 seconds)   -> "PT10H"
     *    "2 days" (2 * 86400 seconds)     -> "PT48H"
     * </pre>
     * Note that multiples of 24 hours are not output as days to avoid confusion
     * with {@link Period}.
     * @return {string} an ISO-8601 representation of this duration, not null
    toString() {
        if (this === Duration.ZERO) {
            return 'PT0S';
        const hours = MathUtil.intDiv(this._seconds, LocalTime.SECONDS_PER_HOUR);
        const minutes = MathUtil.intDiv(MathUtil.intMod(this._seconds, LocalTime.SECONDS_PER_HOUR), LocalTime.SECONDS_PER_MINUTE);
        const secs = MathUtil.intMod(this._seconds, LocalTime.SECONDS_PER_MINUTE);
        let rval = 'PT';
        if (hours !== 0) {
            rval += `${hours}H`;
        if (minutes !== 0) {
            rval += `${minutes}M`;
        if (secs === 0 && this._nanos === 0 && rval.length > 2) {
            return rval;
        if (secs < 0 && this._nanos > 0) {
            if (secs === -1) {
                rval += '-0';
            } else {
                rval += secs + 1;
        } else {
            rval += secs;
        if (this._nanos > 0) {
            rval += '.';
            let nanoString;
            if (secs < 0) {
                nanoString = `${2 * LocalTime.NANOS_PER_SECOND - this._nanos}`;
            } else {
                nanoString = `${LocalTime.NANOS_PER_SECOND + this._nanos}`;
            // remove the leading '1'
            nanoString = nanoString.slice(1, nanoString.length);
            rval += nanoString;
            while (rval.charAt(rval.length - 1) === '0') {
                rval = rval.slice(0, rval.length - 1);
        rval += 'S';
        return rval;

     * @return {string} same as {@link Duration.toString}
    toJSON() {
        return this.toString();


export function _init() {
     * Constant for a duration of zero.
    Duration.ZERO = new Duration(0, 0);